the baltic sea ice services
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Actual situation 27/07/24 10:45

An automated collection of the latest international ice reports and a graphic representation of the ice situation on the fairways. The colors show the status of the reports: black is a report from today, blue a report from yesterday and green shows that there is no report within the last two days (meaning no ice or no report!).

The fairways denominations after the report (AA, BB, ...) are a link to a representation of the ice conditions of the last 10 days on the respective fairway.
Each day is given by a bar, the height gives the ice thickness, the color the ice concentration and symbols below give information about rafted or ridged ice. A ? denotes missing information.
Fairway ice legend

Denmark Estonia Finland Germany Latvia Lithuania Norway Poland Russia Sweden

Danish Ice report

No report
Estonian Ice report
No report
Finnish Ice report
No report
Germany  German Ice report
No report
Latvian Ice report
No report
Lithuania Lithuanian Ice report
No report
Norway Norwegian Ice report
No report
Polish Ice report
No report
Russian Ice report
No report
Swedish Ice report
No report
News and dates
Ice Information